Jumat, 24 Juni 2016

Golden Ratio on Plumeria

Karya : Sofia Nida Khoerunnisa-152151042
Email  :  khoerunnisasofia@gmail.com

he Golden ratio is a special number found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part. It’s often symbolized using phi. As with phi (the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter), the digits go on and on, theoretically into infinity. This number has been discovered and rediscovered many times, which is why it has so many names. Phi is the basis for the golden ratio, section or mean the ratio, or proportion, determined by Phi (1.618…). Golden ratio, also known as Fibonacci sequence or God number, is a simple series number starts from zero and one and the next part will be a sum from two numbers before. 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, and so on forever. Fibonacci sequence has been found by Leonardo Pisano from Italia, around 1200. He’s a great mathematicians in the middle century. Maybe, just some people knew that actually Fibonacci just accomplished the ideas of mathematicians from India, Gopala Chandra. The problem that Gopala faced is how to do distributed object so quickly by the pocket, but different with the problem that Fibonacci faced. Fibonacci found a miracle series from rabbit’s propagation problem. A couple rabbit female and male mated, then placed it in an isolate stable. Afterwards, count how many couple productive rabbit for the next. Apparently, the population increase with the one and only ratio. The last result is 144 couple. Well, there is 144 on 12 series.
What makes interesting from Fibonacci sequence is if we divide one of numbers with another number, so the result is decimal value 0,618 (with rounding off). For the example :
2 : 3 = 0,667
3 : 5 = 0,600
5 : 8 = 0,625
8 : 13 = 0,615
13 : 21 = 0,619
21: 34 = 0,618
34 : 55 = 0,618                
55 : 89 = 0,618
89 : 144 = 0,618
Then, if we return the division, with the way like this :
13 : 8 = 1,625
21 : 13 = 1,62
144 : 89 = 1,62

Division from the next number will produce the same decimal number and that’s called with golden ratio.  The golden ratio is the ratio 1:1,618… as you can say, it is irrational number (a number that can’t be written as a simple fraction). In the other words, the decimal goes on forever. Golden ratio also known as “God Number”, Why? Because, based on trust scientist long time ago, Fibonacci rows is one of evidence that there is God, it can be found throughout nature and the universe and it has been used extensively in architecture, art, also applies in understanding the relationship of God to creation. Curiously, the mathematical constant of 1,618… that is found throughout creation is represented by the symbol Phi ϕ, which is the symbol 0 for nothing split in two by the symbol 1 for unity and one (God). Even when we don’t see it, but precisely we know it’s there. There’s so many fact that has been found in the nature, but I’ll explain just one of them. That is about total flower petals.
3 petals : Lily flowers and iris flowers
5 petals : Kamboja flowers and so many others
13 petals : Ragwort, Cineraria
21 petals : Aster
            Then, I did the result to some flowers for make sure that the flower has a Fibonacci sequence. Not only did the results to the flower which had mentioned above, but also did the results to other flower perhaps there will be a golden ratio on the petals. Well, there it is :
Sheath Total
Has Golden Ratio
Callistephus chinensis 1
Callistephus chinensis 2
Callistephus chinensis 3
Callistephus chinensis 4
Callistephus chinensis 5
Callistephus chinensis 6
Callistephus chinensis 7
Callistephus chinensis 8
Callistephus chinensis 9
Callistephus chinensis 10
Asteraceae 1
Asteraceae 2
Asteraceae 3
Asteraceae 4
Every Plumeria

            Every flower is beautiful. Yes, everyone agree that every flower is beautiful and the petals has a golden ratio which add the beauty to the flowers and that’s an evidence there’s God, also the evidence that golden ratio is exist in the universe. Based on my result, not every flower has the golden ratio, especially aster flowers aren’t consistent about the petals, but maybe because some petals had fallen in somewhere, I guess.


But, there’s Plumeria which has the number of petals in a flower consistently follows the Fibonacci sequence. Plumeria flowers are often most fragrant at night, that’s really unique. The petals from Plumeria flowers always five. Never less or greater, that always five. It’s really unique. Plumeria make sure that it has a golden ratio in that should be. Plumeria has some type, like Plumeria Obtusa, Plumeria Alba, Plumera Stenopetala, Plumeria Rubra, Plumeria Stenophylla, Plumeria Pudica, Plumeria Tuberculata, Plumeria Caracasana, and others. Whatever the type is, the petals from Plumeria flower always five. It makes sure that Plumeria flower has a golden ratio.
            So, the things that the scientist had ever said about the golden ratio, that’s really right and true. God made this world so beautiful that it could be. Based on the results that I have done, Plumeria flower is the one evidence about the golden ratio. It has five petals, never less or greater. It’s a golden ratio.

EW Weisstein. (2002). Golden Ratio. [online]. http://mathworld.wolfram.com. [May 6th 2016].
Anonim. (1997). The Golden Ratio. [online]. http://www.goldennumber.net. [May 6th 2016].
Anonim. (2015). Golden Ratio. [online]. http://www.mathisfun.com. [ May 26th 2016].

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